Friday, February 17, 2012

You too fat ... You go home!

Have you ever walked into a restaurant and felt like every person in there just turned their head to look at you and said to themselves ... "You people are too fat, you need to go get a salad"? This is a feeling that almost every single one of my family members has or has had a million times. We are a small family of fluffy people. If you look closely at the photo below, you will see that we are a very close knit group that likes to party and loves to eat. If you need verification of this, check out all the chubby cheeks and double chins.
I have been overweight my entire life. I have unfortunately passed these genes and bad habits down to my three daughters (well, at least two of them for sure). Last week when I went to my doctor for yet what I believed was another hernia, I was told that if I didn't lose weight, I was headed for a six foot hole and oversized box. A person knows that they are overweight but really doesn't give it much thought until a doctor sits you down and points it out. You just think, well, "I'll diet next week". NEXT WEEK JUST GOT HERE!
I went back and found this picture of me at my daughters house warming. It absolutely disgusts me. I am bigger than every single person I know. The buck stops here. When I got home from the doctor, I sat down and talked to the hubby about joining Weight Watchers again. I have done it before and it works for me because you can eat regular food. I told him that Whit needed to go with me so I was going to schedule her a doctor's appointment and get her going too. He is my biggest supporter (although he loves me no matter what size and would never say a word about my size). He told me he would support and pay for whatever I wanted to do. Whitney is a goal keeper in soccer and she is very good at it. Her only setback is that being so heavy, she is not quick. I'm not having her become a statistic and die on a soccer field.
Today we will be signing up for Weight Watchers. I am fully on board. My sister and nieces have been doing it for a little while now. Robyn (my sister) tells me that she is down over 14 pounds and her daughters are also both down. We are going to get to join their "weight loss support system" which will help me immensely. Tomorrow will be the first day of the rest of our lives. 

I will insert a photo here next week that is my ultimate goal for the first year. It is a picture of what I looked like when I met Warren. I think I look pretty good in it.

My first goal is to be able to weigh myself at home. I have a scale, but it doesn't register enough to give me a number. I was weighed at the doctor so I know my beginning number. I need to lose 28 pounds to get to my first goal. My second goal is to lose enough to be able to walk around without being in pain in New York with my daughter on a Mom/Daughter weekend. My third goal is to be able to play with my new (well, she is almost here) granddaughter as she grows up. My fourth goal is to wear a pretty dress for my last 2 daughter's weddings. My last goal is to look and feel good about my self like I used to.
I have given Whit an incentive of her own. I would like to see her lose about 75 pound in the next year. It will be up to her how well she does on her own. Her bribe is to #1 - feel better about herself both physically and mentally and #2 - I will let her buy a new pair of shoes every time she hits a 25 pound goal. If you knew Whit, you would know that #2 is all she needs to get her moving. At 15 years old, she doesn't really care about that I wanna feel good and such, she wants new shoes.
Well, I'm off to start a grocery list. There is about to be some boxed and canned foods heading over to the food pantry this weekend. Wish us luck!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh you are totally getting on our train! I wish Jon would consider it...

    I love you no matter what but let's be frank, you need to be on the train.

    Let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to help you.


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